The Bible in One Year… or Two. Five?

Yup. That’s me. I’m on the read-your-Bible-in-5-years plan. This is the second time, or maybe the fourth, that I’ve announced my intentions to read the entire Bible in one year. Our church back home challenged its members to complete this task. So, once again, since I still like to check in on their podcasts I decided to take this on. Again. Of course, though, the rest of the church started this in January and now its May. So already I’m five months behind. No matter. The program is customizable to start whenever you like. So, day 1. Done. No problem. … Continue reading The Bible in One Year… or Two. Five?

Unconditional love.

© 2011 by Mary C. Goodman I have this dog. His name is Gary. All he does is eat, poop, puke and stink. Oh, and bark, shed, whine, lick himself, beat visitors with his whip for a tail, get in fights with the neighbor’s dog and bleed on things. He even pushes past people on the stairs nearly knocking them down. Gary really has no value, other than to try my patience. He doesn’t contribute to the family income. He doesn’t even bring in the newspaper. Never once has he barked at an actual intruder. It’s always a false alarm. … Continue reading Unconditional love.